Friday, March 26, 2010

Some perspective for Spring

We've had some beautiful weather off and on the past month-guess that's just like March. It got me in the mood for a flower lesson. I love Van Gogh and I love sunflowers, so I did a lesson on perspective while drawing a sunflower still life. I also incorporated reviewing warm/cool colors. I was inspired at some other artlesson site for teaching to draw different perspectives on the flowers, but I can't find where it was. If it was you, please post a comment and I'd love to direct others to your lesson too.

I hadn't done the aluminum sheets in one of my classes yet, and they were begging to draw on the "foil" so here it is again. I instructed students on how to draw sunflowers from three different perspectives-front, side and partially turned.

For my advanced class we used chalk pastels on black construction paper. Love how the bright colors turned out. Students were instructed to use cool colors in the background and warm colors in the flowers and vase. As you can see, some took the artistic freedom to do it their way...which is always okay!

Friday, March 12, 2010

A weekend of painting

I know, I've been a little behind on my class postings. I'm still trying to organize my pictures and figure out how to get them off my old computer. In the meantime, I thought you might like to see some of the paintings I did over the weekend at the Barry Thomas oil workshop I attended. Click the title or the picture above and it should take you right to my post.

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