Sunday, January 10, 2016

Shaving cream snowman art lesson with tutorial

This post has been one of my most popular lessons that I have shared. I still get hits on this post everyday, and I originally posted it over three years ago. Since we had our first snow yesterday here in Northwest Arkansas, I thought I'd share it again for my new readers. It's such a fun project and has such great results.

2012-Since we didn't get enough snow this year to build a snowman, I thought it would be fun to take some snow to my daughter's class with this fun project. I've seen lots of different recipes and suggestions online about how to make puffy paint out of shaving cream and glue, so I thought I'd give it a try.

I bought three cans of shaving cream at the dollar store, and it was more than enough for 18 students to create a snowman on an 8-1/2 x 11 sheet of construction paper. Since these were first graders, and I had limited time, so I pre cut the hat, eyes, nose, and scarves.

We divided into 3 groups of 6 and let each group make their own bowl of snow by filling up their bowl with shaving cream...

And then squirting a bunch of glue on top and mixing. So fun... and messy!

Most of the "recipes" I read online called for equal parts of glue and shaving cream. We just added enough to give it a firmer, sticky texture.

Drew our "B" with white crayon for the body, off the side of the page (perspective).

Smoothed on the snow with small spoons and then topped with glitter. The snowflakes were made with q-tips and white paint.

Then stuck all the details into our snowman.

I always love to incorporate literature into fun projects like this. Just as simple as reading a book before doing the lesson. This would even be a fun project to do at home with preschoolers.

Here's some great recommendations for snowman books that would go well with this project.

I was very pleased with this lesson...cute results, the kids had a blast, and it was a fun way to incorporate a lot of different learning ideas. My daughter's class just finished studying the weather so this tied in with their unit perfectly.

WARNING: This project is VERY messy : )

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