Saturday, December 31, 2011

Top Art Lesson Posts for 2011

I wanted to thank all my readers for your comments and visits to my blog. If you are a blogger yourself, you know the time it takes to write a post, edit pictures, create links, create a tutorial, etc... Sometimes I wonder why I do it;  but then I remember how inspired I've been by other art blogs out there and how excited my students get when they see their art online. I also love getting comments from my readers and knowing that I've helped them in some way-that really makes posting my lessons and student artwork worthwhile!

 If you are new to my blog, or a maybe a first time visitor, or even a regular.... I'm so glad you are here!  I'd like to take a few minutes and highlight some of my top/favorite posts from 2011. If you aren't a follower yet, will you PLEASE FOLLOW ME on blogger or on Facebook. There are lots of options for receiving my feeds in the right sidebar. My goal for 2012 is to revamp my blog, so bear with me while I try to figure out ways to offer my readers more creative content, in a more organized fashion. And as always, I'd love to have your feedback or suggestions. Here's a sampling of my favorites from the year-just click on the title to take you directly to the post.

Thanks for visiting and comeback in 2012!!!!!!

Tuesday, December 27, 2011

A Thank You to my Top Referring Art Lesson Blogs

I wanted to wrap up 2011 by thanking all the wonderful art blogs who not only inspire, challenge and help me, but send me new readers my way each day.

Thanks so much to my top referring blog buddies!  Here's my countdown (drum roll, please). Be sure to check out these great blogs if you haven't yet, or if it's been awhile:

6) Deep Space Sparkle Art Lessons for Kids. This blog has wonderful pictures, tons of lessons and great PDF lesson tutorials you can purchase for a minimal price-believe me they are worth it. I love her art and literature lessons!

Deep Space Sparkle

5) Lines, Dots and Doodles  has a variety of creative lessons ideas from elementary students.

4)Mary Making features highlights from Mary's elementary art classes, and is one of my favorites with innovative and original lesson ideas.

3)Painted Paper In The Art Room has fun, colorful and original painted paper projects, art and literature lessons and more!

2) Teach Kids Art gives great photos and instructions with almost every project post! Great site with a variety of lesson ideas for parents, art teachers and home schoolers.

1) And my TOP referring blog friend is....... Art Projects for Kids has class tested lessons for K5 and beyond. Kathy's blog is organized, easy to navigate, packed with lesson ideas and she has wonderful mural PDFs you can purchase.

Thank You again soooo much! I am so honored that each of you would list me in your side bar and send your readers my way.  My best wishes for a wonderfully artistic year in 2012!

Friday, December 2, 2011

Painting Christmas Trees

Please follow me on Facebook! Just click on the follow me button in the right sidebar.
 I'd love to be your friend too!

It's so simple to learn how to paint a beautiful Christmas tree. I did a mommy and me post a couple years ago, and we used the same technique here, just deleted the stencil part and drew a triangle for our tree. These are painted in acrylic paints on a 16 x 20 canvas. Students were 1st through 4th grade and completed them in a 1-1/2 hour workshop.

We used Metallic gold and copper paint for the background.

Three colors of green and sea sponges to do the texture on the Christmas trees.


Then they have a blast adorning their tree!

I have more Painting Santa workshops too-here's some more awesome Santas!

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